HeidelBÄR Games Sweet & Spicy angleška izdaja - Družabna igra blefiranja s kartami v novi preobleki igre Spicy - za 8+ let, 15 min, za 2-6 igralcev

HeidelBÄR Games

  • €15,00

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Sweet & Spicy je Spicy v novi preobleki, vasabi pa je nadomestila limona.
👥 2–6 😊 8+ ⏱ 15 min
Imate radi začimbice, kot so čili, poper in wasabi..ups, limona? Sweet & Spicy uporabi klasično foro lažnivca in jo spremeni ravno dovolj, da igra dobi novo dimenzijo. Imamo karte v treh barvah, poper, čili in limona, s števili od 1 do 10. Ko si na potezi igrate karto z licem navzdol in razglasite, kaj ste igrali. Recimo: "čili 8". 🌶️🫙🍋
Je šlo res za čili, je bila res 8-ica? Naslednji igralec, lahko igra novo karto (pri tem mora biti število višje od zadnje karte), lahko pa tudi kliče vaš blef, a mora povedati, kaj ste se zlagali, barvo ali število. Če zadane, dobi točke, če zgreši, dobite točke vi. Zmagovalec "challengea" pobere karte, ki štejejo kot točke. Igralec z največ točkami, zmaga. 🥇
V tej verziji igre je še "super-joker", ki je hrati vsa števila in vse barve. 🔢🌈
"Sweet & Spicy is a bluffing card game for 2-6 players and the kid-friendly variant of Spicy. Instead of Wasabi you can now play with Lemon and there is a new card in the game: The SUPER-JOKER. But the game principle remains the same.
Just like in Spicy, the cards are played face down, so you can cheat when you announce your card. But it's not just about bluffing convincingly. You can almost always play a card that is at least half right if you play it skillfully from your hand. It's a matter of tactically considering which card you can get away with: Do I play a "pepper 9" better than a "chili 10" or a suit joker than a "pepper 10"? Or do I pass better, because I'm sure it will be noticeable that I've been thinking about it for so long?
In Sweet & Spicy, the super joker is added, which can be any spice and any number. It is therefore always correct and cannot be doubted."

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