Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends EN
V družabni igri Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends se mojstri čarodeji bojujejo za prevlado v legendarni areni Tash-Kalar.
👥 2-4 😊 13+ ⏱ 30 min
V Tash-Kalar izzivate, ali pa ste izzvani na dvoboj! Nasproti vam stojijo monstrumi, magi in drugi hudobneži, ki imajo prav takšne namene kot vi.
Natančno načrtujte vaše naslednje poteze in se ne dajte ukaniti zloveščim pošastim Tash-Kalar arene.
Družabna igra s kartami Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends omogoča dva načina bojevanja:
- bojevanje po principu "free for all" in
- ekipni dvoboj.
"Tash-Kalar is the ancient art of magical combat performed in arenas and combat pits throughout the known world. Tash-Kalar is also the name of the oldest and most famous arena, the place where the game began. You can play the game with 2, 3, or 4 players, in teams or individually. Whether you are playing the High Form or a deathmatch, all games of Tash-Kalar have the same basic rules: Players take turns creating magical stones and placing them in patterns that allow them to summon fantastical beings. Lay your plans, strengthen your position, then unleash your full power as you summon a tremendous creature of legend to dominate the arena of Tash-Kalar."
Odlične za dva, Abstraktna, Fantazijska, Kartanje, Nadzor območij, Sodelovanje, Zlaganje ploščic