Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization EN


  • €52,57

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Družabna igra Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization je sodobna klasika - to epsko potovanje skozi zgodovino človeštva je na seznamu vsakega zagretega namiznega igralca!

👥 2-4 😊 14+ ⏱ 120 min 

V družabni igri Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization igralci postavljajo temelje mogočne civilizacije. Svoje pleme popeljejo od skromnih agrarnih začetkov do kulkturnih in tehnoloških presežkov sodobnega časa. Izberite modrega vodjo. Družabna igra Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization velja za eno najboljših družabnih iger nasploh! Mojstrovina!

Posodobljena tretja izdaja kultne družabne igre Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization je še bolj izpiljena, bolj uravnovešena in še bolj epska. Nič čudnega, da na BoardGameGeek-u zaseda 6. mesto na lestvici najboljših iger vseh časov. Igra je idealna za vse ljubitelje zgodovine in starodavnih civilizacij. Skozi čas oz. skozi noč boste potovali od antike do današnjega dne ter poskušali vzpostaviti čim bolj varen imperij, učinkovito gospodarstvo in stabilne mednarodne odnose. Pravi izziv za vse strateginje in stratege!

"You begin with a small tribe and the will to build a great civilization. Expand your farms and mines to gain the resources to build your cities. This lays the groundwork for technological advancements, better governments, and great wonders. Choose wise leaders whose legacy will lead your people to greatness. Strengthen your army to protect your borders and to expand your territory. And shape history with your political skill.

A strong economy, advanced technology, happy citizens, enlightened government, a strong military - your civilization needs to do well in many areas. You may excel in some, but you should not fall behind in others. Adjust your strategy to the opportunities the game offers. Your rivals will seek advantages through wars and politics, so keep your defenses up. But don’t neglect the finer things in life, because the civilization with the most influential culture wins."

Civilizacije, Ekonomska, Kartanje, Trgovanje

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