NSV The Game Natureline INTL Edition angleška izdaja - Sodelovalna družabna igra za 8+ let, 20 min, 1-5 igralcev, vključuje razširitev "The Game on Fire", brez plastike
Večjezična angleška verzija igre The Game iz recikliranih materialov in brez plastike.
👥 1–5 😊 8+ ⏱ 15 min
Naloga igralcev v sodelovalni igri The Game je, znebiti se vseh kart s števili od 2 do 99. Karte igrate na štiri kupčke, dva padajoča, kjer števila padajo od 100 proti 1, in dva naraščajoča, kjer števila rastejo od 1 proti 100. ☠️
Igralci se lahko med seboj posvetujejo in si dajejo namige, npr: „Imam visoke karte“ ali „Imam super karte za padajoči kupček“, toda ne smejo razkritih točnih števil, ki jih imajo v rokah. Igralec na potezi mora odigrati vsaj dve karti, nato je na potezi naslednji igralec v smeri urinega kazalca. Boste preživeli in premagali The Game?! 💀
"Players in The Game try to discard all 98 cards in the deck onto four discard piles in order to win, but they need to do so in the right ways.
Each player starts with 6-8 cards in their hand depending on the number of players, and four discard pile prompt cards are on the table: two showing "1" and an up arrow and two showing "100" and a down arrow. On a turn, a player must discard at least two cards from their hand onto one or more discard piles, with cards on the 1 piles being placed in ascending order and cards on the 100 piles being placed in descending order.
Once the deck is emptied, players are required only to play at least one card on a turn. If you play all 98 cards, you win! If you get good, the rules suggest that you play at least three cards a turn to increase the challenge."