Here to Slay EN
Pogubi tri pošasti ali sestavi popolno tolpo junakov.
👥 2–6 😊 10+ ⏱ 30-60 min
Here to Slay je tekmovalna igra s kartami, strateška, a primerna tudi za nove igralce.
Izberi si lik, ga opremi z boljšimi rekviziti in se podaj v temnico pobijat stvore. Pazi, drugi igralci želijo narediti tudi prav to.
Tisti, ki mu uspe kot prvemu premagati tri pošasti ali sestaviti celotno ekipo junakov iz 6-ih klasov, je zmagovalec.🎉
"Here to Slay Base Game: A strategic card game. A role-playing adventure. A dangerous new world. From the creators of Unstable Unicorns, Here to Slay is an adorable and brutal new card game that is perfect for players of all skill levels, whether you’re just entering the world of role-playing games or honing your masterful skills."